Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week 47: Final Volunteer Retreat in La Plata

Our YAGM group outside the science museum

This last week my fellow Argentina/Uruguay YAGM volunteers and I meet up in La Plata for our final YAGM retreat. La Plata is the capital of the Buenos Aires provience and is located about 45 min south of the city Buenos Aires. We stayed at a monastery where we had plenty of time to catch up with each other, share experiences, and discuss our feelings of leaving and heading back to the US.

One of the days we headed into La Plata and visited the largest natural history museum in Latin America. After our visit to the science museum we stopped by the Lutheran church where Emily (another volunteer) has been working and living. She lives behind the church in a connected student house run by the church. After spending time catching up with Pastor Andrea we held the Holden Evening Pray service in Spanish.

Erin and Kate outside of the science museum

Talking with Andrea (La Plata Lutheran pastor) in the church office while enjoying tea, coffee, and facturas (special Argentine pastries)

Holden Evening Prayer Service in La Plata 
The group of students living in the student housing and us enjoying empanadas for supper.

Art Devotional

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