Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 11: Spring Concert!

I was lucky enough to be invited to my country coordinator's children's spring concert this past weekend.  I had a great time getting to see the kids preform and enjoy themselves.  It was also interesting to see how a private bilingual school operates in Argentina. 

In Argentina it is very common to find bilingual or even trilingual schools.  In the community that I live in there are at least three schools close to me that include German, English, and Spanish in their academic programs.  The Argentine public schools only have half days of school due to lack of resources such as funding, teachers, etc.  Due to this there are many private schools and they are mostly bilingual; having classes all in Spanish in the morning and the afternoon classes all in English.

As a potential future parent I would love to be able to find so many bilingual schools around.  To me, at least where I live, it is not common to find private bilingual schools.  Most of the middle to upper class citizens can speak more than one language in Argentina.  My coordinator's kids can speak flawless Spanish and at the same time are able to maintain perfect English.  It is interesting to note some of the differences between Argentine and American education systems.  I could go a lot deeper into discussion of the positives and negatives of both systems but I will just leave you with some cute pictures of the concert instead :)

The concert's theme was "save the environment."  Each class had special costumes relating to topics such as: air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution, and danced a coordinated dance they planned.   

Emily is in the purple, the girls in her class were dressed up as a rainbow.

Matt was part of a pollution clean up crew of the ocean as his costume

Emily dancing her part

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